Be the best online search service provider, exceeding expectations of our suppliers and clients in the Hispanic community of the United States, with a reliable and quality service.
To become the most complete and reference digital platform for connecting and contracting professional services within the Hispanic community in the United States.
Enhance the pride of being Spanish-speaking.
Provide our Hispanic entrepreneurs with resources and tools.
Always be open to technological changes and dynamics social in the business world.
Respect for cultures and other nationalities, without distinctions of any kind.
Promote empathy with our suppliers and customers.
Establish relationships of respect and good communication with all suppliers and clients.
Andres Briceño es Licenciado en Educación, T.S.U en Administración de Empresas Turísticas y Emprendedor. Fundador de la empresa Serviamigos Solutions, LLC. Con experiencia en el área de Ventas y Mercadeo por más de 13 años trabajando con el mercado hispano del estado de la Florida.